Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A letter from a friend

Dear Sanbukan Friends,

I wanted to let you know that I passed my nidan test on Saturday at the Midwest Aikido Center Yudansha Seminar in Chicago. My examiners were Yoshimitsu Yamada, head of the US Aikido Federation, and Steve Pimsler, one of his senior students at the NY Aikikai. I am grateful to Mits and his students from the good ol' days for helping me develop good aikido fundamentals. And I find myself quoting Mits frequently when teaching my own aikido students here in Iowa. Please convey my best (belated) wishes to him on his 71st birthday.

Charles Cunningham
Grinnell, IA

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

71 in the sun

It's that time of year again!!!! Celebrate Sensei Mits' 71st birthday!!!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013
Approximately 1:30 PM, after our regular Saturday aikido class we will drive over to the park

Charles H. Wilson Park
2200 Crenshaw Blvd
Torrance, CA 90501
(We will meet somewhere in the picnic area near the lake)

This will be a BBQ potluck.
There will also be a group birthday gift for Sensei, feel free to contribute if you like :)

The Current Potluck List is:

Cindy and Jeremy - Birthday Cake, Plates, Cups, Utensils
Patty H. - Mexican Bread
Jessie Jennewin - Veggie Lasagna or Meat
Alyssa Congdon - Taquitos + Gac
Toru Hashinokuchi - Yakisoba
Mia and DC - .....
Jay O'Balles - Veggie Plate
Juan Martin Castillo - Potato Chips and Plates
Marcus Acosta - Soft Drinks
Ravy O. Li - Small Lasagna
Alixis Hoare - Something sweet, Ice & Juices

Please email cindy@sanbukan.com or add a comment here with any questions, or to add your contribution to the potluck list :)